

The ecoartspace exhibition Performative Ecologies officially opened on Saturday, June 13 at CURRENTS 826 Gallery on Canyon Road in Santa Fe. You can view the show online here on the ecoartspace website under Exhibits in the Menu Bar, or CLICK HERE. A virtual tour given by curator Patricia Watts took place on Friday evening June 12 at the →

nutsvp.net官网 ⋅ August 3, 2023


By Bebejabets Sophie Lapointe, Glenn Alterman, Molly McAndrews, Tianhai (Tony) Zhou Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. A FADING SOUL The woods have always been a sacred place in my mind. But when I traverse the muddy trail, the faint reek covers the surroundings with an ominous →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ August 2, 2023
Theatre for a Climate Crisis in a Globalized World


By Thomas Peterson A MODEL FOR LOCAL ACTION I. As of mid-April 2023 (when this piece was written), somewhere between two and three billion people will be staying in their homes for weeks to come. Non-essential travel has all but ceased as efforts are made to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, the communal sharing天行ⅴpn

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ August 1, 2023
Tiny Coronavirus Stories: ‘What is the rain to give me permission to forget?’


By Ahmed Ali, Celine Pirard, Claire Yuan, Phyliss Merion Shanken Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. LESSONS I DIDN’T LEARN ON ZOOM The pandemic has taught me that ugliness is the only definition of beauty. That beauty can be found in the most mundane places. That the →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 31, 2023


By Thomas Peterson The climate crisis is intrinsically linked to environmental racism – there can be no climate justice without racial justice. Like most of this country’s major institutions, the mainstream American environmental movement is engaging in a much-needed and long-awaited reckoning with its history of racism and white supremacy, with what Van Jones called “the unbearable whiteness of green.” While Black →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 30, 2023
It Starts with Us


By Beth Osnes YOUNG WOMEN’S REFLECTIONS ON PERFORMANCE INTERSECTING WITH CLIMATE Part of developing an empowered public voice is being able to take time away to listen deeply to your own inner thoughts. A group of young women I work with did just that as they prepared for a public performance in support of climate →

西风app官网 ⋅ July 29, 2023
A Possible Path Toward an Infinite Eden


 Vegetal Ontology: Intro (http://www.botanicalmind.online/chapter-vegetal-ontology)  The Botanical Mind: Art Mysticism and The Cosmic Tree Reviewed by Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein There are many lessons to be learned from the transition to virtual art exhibitions online as well as from the exhibition The Botanical Mindpresented by the Camden Art Center in London. For one, there’s a foundational comparison between →

EcoArtSpace ⋅ July 28, 2023


By Anatalia Vallez, Lolis Vasquez, Sarah Pasela, Stephanie Nicolard Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. FOR ALL THE BIRTHDAYS I count the velitas in rows of fiveI’m always adding another year28 and a ha – 29last year we went out to a local marketate individual slices of vegan cake →

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Climate Storytelling Collaborative Practices: an Artful Process and Adaptation


By Peterson Toscano Jennie Carlisle and Laura England are both part of the Climate Stories Collaborative at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. “The Climate Stories Collaborative is our response to the growing call for more transdisciplinary and creative approaches to climate change communication,” they explain. “Our mission is to grow the capacity of our faculty and →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 26, 2023
西风app ios


By Jennifer Dorrell, Kathleen Bergen, Ross Richardson, Sherry Bokser Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. NATURAL COMFORT Mom itched to return to NYC, so on March 13th I rented a car and headed to Florida. Thirteen hours in, an epiphany: “We’re safer in Orlando. Lower population density, →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 25, 2023
西风app ios

Indigenous Theatre and the Climate Crisis

By David Geary Ko Taranaki tōku maunga / My mountain is TaranakiKo Hangatahua tōku awa / My river is the HangatahuaKo Kurahaupo tōku waka / My canoe is the KurahaupōKo Taranaki me Ngāti Pākehā tōku iwi / My tribe is the Taranaki Māori Nation of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pākehā (non-Māori settler/colonial nations of England, Ireland, and Scotland; and →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 24, 2023
Tiny Coronavirus Stories: ‘A wild peacock shows up’

Tiny Coronavirus Stories: ‘A wild peacock shows up’

By Eileen E. Schmitz, Noa Hickerson, Rachel Heyman, Yumiko Yoshioka Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. THE FACE ALWAYS GIVES IT AWAY When the pupil in her right eye shakes subtly and the skin beneath her eyes turns red, she’s hurting. When she catches herself mid-smile, she’s →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 23, 2023
Tiny Coronavirus Stories: ‘That release will be harder’


By Dana Simson, Jessica Yamin, Lisa Paterson, Xanthe Muston Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. MY PLACE 2023 was supposed to be my time to explore more and wonder about my place. My country. My being. My life. I was to embark on living overseas, in a →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 22, 2023
I Am the Damage We Have Done to the Earth

I Am the Damage We Have Done to the Earth

By Hanna Cormick INTERSECTIONS OF THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND DISABILITY For some of us, the crisis isn’t coming, it’s here: air we can’t breathe, water we can’t drink, food and resource scarcity, sun that blisters our skin, pollution so thick that everything becomes a poison. I have been living inside a sealed room for five →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 21, 2023

工信部:清理VPN不影响外贸伋业及跨国伋业正常运营_新闻 ...:2021-1-24 · 中国工业和信息化部日前发布通知,明确清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场,其中不得自行建立和租用VPN尤其引发关注。工信部24日表示,这“不会影响外贸伋业、跨国伋业的正常运转”。

By June Arderne, Keni Fine, Ruby, Silvia Peláez Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. HUGS IN THE DISTANCE Every Mother’s Day, I take my Mom to her favorite restaurant. She smiles, embraces me, and shows her happiness through the brightness in her eyes. This May, I just →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 20, 2023
Against Climate as Metaphor: Make Climate Propaganda (The Good Kind)

Against Climate as Metaphor: Make Climate Propaganda (The Good Kind)

By Thomas Peterson “Too much propaganda masquerading as art.” This was the first comment that appeared on Instagram when HowlRound Theatre Commons shared my recent essay on the necessity of creating plays that tell local climate stories. At first I was a little miffed – it’s hard not to be when someone summarily dismisses your work or accuses you →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 19, 2023

Successful proposal to SGSAH

A joint proposal for an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Studentship to develop a framework for evaluating environmentally concerned, arts-based community interventions has been successful. Creative Carbon Scotland, in partnership with the University of Glasgow has successfully applied to the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities for a fully funded PhD to take forward an interdisciplinary project in “Assessing arts-based interventions →

Creative Carbon Scotland ⋅ July 18, 2023
Tiny Coronavirus Stories: ‘I touch nothing; is nothing enough?’


By Anna, Kaatje, Sebastien, Jaya, Paige, and Sophie, Cora Pearlstein, Jason Wallin, Judy Fox Reader-submitted stories of the COVID-19 pandemic, in no more than 100 words. Read past stories here. Submit your own here. THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN The world turned upside down… inside out… falling apart… a worldwide pandemic. Stopped in our tracks. How do any of us respond? →

Artists and Climate Change ⋅ July 17, 2023
Opportunity: 87 Beavers: In Memoriam

Opportunity: 87 Beavers: In Memoriam

We will collect 87 artworks to commemorate 87 protected beavers killed under ScotGov license in 2023. Eighty-seven beavers on Tayside were killed under license by the Scottish Government in 2023: almost one-fifth of Scotland’s beaver population, estimated at 450 animals.Wise management, or senseless slaughter? Beavers bring a range of benefits including flood control and their →

Creative Carbon Scotland ⋅ 小白兔vpm官网
Opportunity: Outdoor arts and mixed media commissions

Opportunity: Outdoor arts and mixed media commissions

Paid commissions for pop-up outdoor arts and mixed media installations in Renfrewshire. Renfrewshire Leisure wish to commission a series of innovative pop-up outdoor arts and mixed media installations to be explored from the cycle paths of Renfrewshire between Paisley and Lochwinnoch under social distancing guidelines during Autumn 2023. The installation experiences will be digitised for online access and →

Creative Carbon Scotland ⋅ July 15, 2023
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